Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Four Food Groups of Cambodia

          Ever diligent in maintaining my renown soccer match fitness, I present to you the secret I've discovered to promote good health and well being while traveling in Southeast Asia - The Four Food Groups of Cambodia:

The Frog Torso Group

The Live Ants and Larva Group

The Fried Tarantula Group

The freshly-shelled Duck Fetus Group

          Independent research has concluded that strict adherence to this well-balanced diet will lead to significantly increased attraction from the opposite-sex, as well as rejuvenated ferocity in the bedroom.

          However, the good people at Andrew Aboard have been unable to confirm any of the above claims.


  1. Wahh Andrew your blog is so great.

  2. I would eat that and be happy with it if I didn't know what it was.
    I am an SBMS social studies class student.

  3. the 7th grade of SBMS will talk to Scott about having some shelled duck fetus on the Ojai Bobs trip.

  4. I wonder how all of these things would taste

  5. Wow that's pretty cool that you ate tarantula. And duck fetus! How did that taste?

  6. Wow! I can't believe you ate that. That really shows you the culture of another country.
    -Quinn, an SBMS Student

  7. HaHa! How could you stomach that? It probably tastes good though.
    -Jonah, SBMS student

  8. Thats really interesting! And I thought eating tuna was adventurous! Thanks so much for sharing!

  9. I get sick from just knowing that there is a spider in the food.

  10. When you ate that, did you know that it was huge insects? I could never eat that!
